Year 5 Terrific trip round the Thames!

Year 5 had an incredible two-day trip to London last week. After a long drive, we arrived at the Tower of London where we had a close-up view of the Crown Jewels and Traitors’ Gate where they brought the prisoners in to be beheaded. Some groups even met Sam Smith!

We had a food stop at Pizza Express for tea, then settled down to a wonderful evening’s entertainment watching Matilda the musical. After the show, we headed for bed in the local Youth Hostel.

Breakfast was bright and early at 6.30am and we were then taken on a fantastic guided tour of the Houses of Parliament. We stood where Boris Johnson stands to deliver his speeches in the House of Commons and we marvelled at the beautiful ornate gold throne where Queen Elizabeth II sits when she opens Parliament in the House of Lords.

Following that, we had a wet walk down to Buckingham Palace where we saw a regiment of Gurkhas parading and practising for the Platinum Jubilee. Our last stop was the Natural History Museum to see the dinosaur and the blue whale, and of course, visit the gift shop!

We were all shattered on the journey home and lots of children fell asleep – especially after their McDonald’s tea! All the children were extremely well behaved and we are so proud of them for their independence on this trip. A big well done and thank you to all who helped to make it so successful.